This is my first website. I started out making this site for a
Front Page class I am taking, but now I hope to continually improve upon
& update it because I'm proud of it. And, if you haven't
already picked up on it, I LOVE Gatchaman!
I am in the tail-end of
my twenties, and have an older brother named Mark and an older sister
named Jill, who watched BoTP with me as a child. I don't think
that they are as obsessed with it as I am, though.
I lead an otherwise
normal life, too. I have worked at a local financial institution
for almost three years, and am the Administrative Assistant to the
president of the bank. My cat, Tasha, and my fiancé, Jason (love
the name, there is some sort of cosmic connection) put up
with my quirks well most of the time, and helped me out a lot on this
site. Thank you to both of them!
Other Anime that I enjoy
include Ranma 1/2, Robotech, Oh! My Goddess, Bubblegum Crisis, Devil
Hunter Yohko, and I adore the movie Perfect Blue (I love Cham!). I
am also a huge Science Fiction Fan (Star Trek, Star Wars, Battlestar
Galactica). I watch a lot of movies, read a lot of books, and go
through spells where all I want to do is watch The History
Channel. It is the official network of every millennium.
My largest vice, though, is professional wrestling. I love Kurt
Angle, The Rock, Billy Gunn, and Test; my favorite of all time,
though, is Shawn Michaels.
Some of Jason's favorite
Anime are: Ranma 1/2, Battle Angel (Gunnm), Macross Plus, Dragon
Ball Z, Oh! My Goddess, Record of Lodoss War, and Giant Robo (there are
too many others to list!). He is a big Horror movie fan, his
favorite series being Halloween, but he loves Friday the 13th,
Hellraiser, and Nightmare on Elm Street. We are both big fans of
The Exorcist. We share our love of professional wrestling, and
Kurt Angle. But, his favorite wrestler of all time is Chris
Jericho (yeah, he's not bad). Jason has a son, Kalin, whom we both
adore and spoil. Kalin is into video games and Pokemon (starting
down the right path with Anime).
The only problem with out
relationship is football. I, of course, love the Packers, and
Jason is a die-hard Vikings fan. But, I've learned to live with it
(read: ignore it).
Please enjoy these
wonderful pictures:
My cat, Tasha

Jason's son, Kalin

Sister Jill, Brother Mark,
& I drinking Point
Myself & Jason

Kalin & Jason (my
favorite picture of them)

Tasha, before the exorcism
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Everything (with the exception of my own witty feedback) copyright Tatsunoko
Productions, Turner Broadcasting, Sandy Frank Industries, Hearst
Entertainment, & Saban Entertainment. This page was created by
a fan, for fans, for anyone else who might care, and for fun only.
None of the information or likenesses are to be used for profit.